CONCORD, NH — Last night was a tough one for Chris Sununu.
In what should’ve been a totally uncontested race, Sununu still didn’t break 80% of the vote. This is just the latest evidence of a civil war within the NH GOP and how Sununu’s popularity is continuing to slip.
His two major federal endorsements of the primary — Chuck Morse for U.S. Senate and George Hansel for CD-02 — lost by staggering margins. This comes after a recent UNH poll which showed that Chris Sununu's endorsement in the NH GOP Senate primary would either have absolutely no effect on their vote or would make them less likely to vote for the candidate he endorses for 59% of Republican voters.
In response, NHDP Chair Ray Buckley released the following statement:
“While Granite State Democrats were unified behind our candidates, Sununu and his splitting-party were flailing. He’s being rejected by his own party and he’s supposed to be their leader. Last night was a devastating blow for him, and he’s poised to have another one this November.”