In case you missed it, InDepthNH reported today on Gunstock Area Commissioner Doug Lambert’s thoughts on Governor Sununu’s involvement in all of the Gunstock drama.
Lambert said of Sununu, “He claims he cares about Gunstock, but he’s certainly been no help. I’ve been on the ground for 10 days and not heard from the governor. That guy’s been no help. He’s actually stirred the pot.”
In response, NHDP Chair Ray Buckley has released the following statement:
“The fiasco in Gunstock has been a disaster, and Chris Sununu, in a shock to no one, has only made it worse. He has absolutely no hold on his party, and it’s costing Granite Staters’ their jobs and livelihoods. The extremists now running his party — that he’s cowered to for his entire career — are destroying yet another staple New Hampshire institution, and Sununu is doing nothing but sitting idly by. Instead of giving them even an ounce of support, Sununu is running off to Iowa to try and boost his national profile.”