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Republicans Push Agenda That Would Threaten Social Security and Medicare for Granite Staters

The Republican plan would sunset Medicare for over 305,100 people in New Hampshire and Social Security for 317,389 Granite Staters after 5 years

CONCORD, NH – Despite Medicare and Social Security being some of the most popular programs in the country, Republicans are headed into the 2022 midterms with a plan to sunset all federal legislation, including Medicare and Social Security, after five years — putting at risk the millions of Americans who rely on these crucial programs. The impact of the Republican plan on New Hampshire seniors and disabled workers would be disastrous. More than 305,100 Granite Staters rely on Medicare for their health coverage and 317,389 Granite Staters receive Social Security benefits each month to cover everything from rent to putting food on the table.

“Granite Staters have been paying into Medicare and Social Security for more than half a century, and we know the hard-earned benefits of these critical programs make a difference in our state,” said NHDP Chair Ray Buckley.

“Republicans are pushing an agenda that could mean an end to these life-saving programs Granite Staters depend on –and all of the GOP candidates across New Hampshire stand ready to rubber stamp this devastation. President Biden and our congressional delegation are committed to making sure this latest Republican attack on Granite Staters doesn’t succeed, and we will always stand up for New Hampshire seniors and families.” While Republicans are threatening seniors’ hard-earned benefits, President Biden and Democrats have proposed measures to bolster Social Security and responsibly reduce the deficit without touching Medicare or Social Security by making billionaires pay their fair share in taxes, while also lowering costs for working families.

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