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RELEASE: Sununu Bungles COVID Vaccine Rollout -- Again

Concord, N.H. -- Less than a week after Governor Sununu launched his new Vaccine & Immunization Interface (VINI) system, Granite Staters are reporting not being able to register for their COVID vaccination and being turned away for their scheduled COVID vaccination appointment at Walgreens due to site glitches that over-registered Granite Staters. Today, many Granite Staters in Phase 2b are reporting that they are unable to sign up to register for their COVID vaccine on VINI. This comes after Granite Staters reported on Friday that they were turned away when they showed up for their scheduled COVID-19 vaccination appointments at Walgreens. Appointment sign-ups for Walgreens are made available through the state’s new scheduling website that was set up after Granite Staters experienced turmoil and confusion when they attempted to register for the vaccine last month through the Trump administration’s failed vaccine registration program. Sununu was one of only nine governors to sign up for the failed system. “This is now the second time that Governor Sununu has promised a seamless vaccine registration process for Granite Staters and failed to deliver. The Governor’s inability to create a working, effective registration system is unacceptable,” said Senator Cindy Rosenwald. “There are still hundreds of thousands of Granite Staters who will need to sign up for the vaccine, and Governor Sununu needs to figure out a way to address these problems immediately.”


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