Concord, N.H. -- New Hampshire has fallen behind Massachusetts in percentage of the population who have received their first shot, for the amount of vaccine doses that have been used, and for the total doses delivered per 100,000 people, according to reports. Chris Sununu has repeatedly criticized Massachusetts’s rollout, calling it “a disaster.” But now New Hampshire is doing even worse than our neighbors to the South. According to Bloomberg News, in Massachusetts, 12 percent of people have received their first shot, 76 percent of the vaccine doses have been used, and 17 doses have been delivered per 100,000 people. Meanwhile in New Hampshire, 10 percent of people have received their first shot, 69 percent of vaccine doses have been used, and only 15 doses have been delivered per 100,000 people. Sununu has repeatedly attacked Massachusetts’ vaccine rollout. In January, Sununu said, “I feel bad for Governor Baker, I know they're struggling with their system a lot.” Then in February during an interview with Jack Heath Sununu said, “I know those folks are paying attention a lot to the stories out of Massachusetts and our, and states around us that are having other problems.” When talking to Dan Mitchell on WKBK, Sununu called Massachusetts’s rollout “a disaster” and said, “We're not in the boat like Massachusetts is. I can't even speak to that mess.” "Week after week we see reports that clearly indicate Governor Sununu’s vaccine rollout is falling behind neighboring states and failing Granite Staters,” said Senator Cindy Rosenwald. “The Governor's criticisms towards Governor Baker are unproductive, and there is simply no reason why New Hampshire is now falling behind even Massachusetts in getting the vaccine out. I urge the Governor to speed up our rollout to ensure those who need the life-saving vaccine are getting it."