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RELEASE: Kelly Ayotte’s Former Campaign Counsel Schemes With Trump to Try to Change the Results

Concord, N.H. – Cleta Mitchell, who served as the campaign counsel to Kelly Ayotte, was one of the lawyers who joined President Donald Trump when he asked the Georgia Secretary of State to change the results of the election in his favor, according to recent reports. Ayotte’s campaign has made payments to Mitchell’s law firm as recently as 2019 and has paid Mitchell’s firm close to $100,000 in total. Both Mitchell and Ayotte have enabled Trump’s attacks on our democratic system. In November, Ayotte said that "the president will make his own decision” about whether to accept the results of the election and concede to President-elect Joe Biden. Meanwhile, Mitchell has been working to challenge the results of the presidential election and has publicly refused to accept the election results. This news is only the latest in Ayotte’s long and tortured saga with Trump. During the 2016 campaign, the Washington Post named Ayotte’s claim that she supported but didn’t endorse Trump the number one “most tortured” response to Trump. Later, Ayotte who also said that Trump is “absolutely” a role model for children, went on to work for Trump, helping confirm his first Supreme Court nominee. “While many Republican officials have spoken out against Trump’s unconstitutional efforts to throw out the results of an election, Kelly Ayotte’s only public comments have essentially supported -- and endorsed -- Trump’s efforts,” said New Hampshire Democratic Party Chair Ray Buckley. “The company Kelly Ayotte keeps is emblematic of her willingness to do whatever it takes to put her own political interests ahead of the well-being of our country.”


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