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NHDP Statement on Statewide Town Meeting Day Victories


CONCORD, NH — In response to the overwhelming success of local Democrats on Town Meeting Day, NHDP Chair Ray Buckley has released the following statement:

“Congratulations to all of the incredible local leaders who were elected on this first Town Meeting Day. We elected hundreds of Democrats last night, and pushed back on far-right extremists who want to attack our public education and the integrity of our elections. In towns all over the state, Democrats and pro-democracy Granite Staters defeated harmful warrant articles being pushed by proponents of the Big Lie. We stopped extremists from taking over our school boards, and elected strong, local leaders who represent our Granite State values.

These successes were hard earned. Democrats all over the state knocked on an unprecedented amount of doors and talked to thousands of voters. Granite State Democrats are starting early, and we’re building up momentum that will carry us to victory this November and far beyond.”

Paid for by the New Hampshire Democratic Party

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