CONCORD, NH – In response to the Democratic State Senate candidates filing with the NH Secretary of State, NHDP Chair Ray Buckley has released the following statement:
“Since gaining the majority two years ago the Republican State Senate has been disastrous for New Hampshire. Defunding public schools, passing an abortion ban and giving tax breaks to their out of state corporate donors are just some of the most egregious, harmful legislation we’ve ever seen in New Hampshire. Time and time again the senate Republicans blocked key pieces of responsible legislation that Democrats introduced to bring countless benefits to Granite Staters. It’s clear that winning back the Democratic majority in our State Senate is more important than ever. Democrats have a slate of fantastic candidates who will fight for New Hampshire values and stand up to the harmful, out-of-touch, and extreme agenda of the NH GOP. This November, with these incredible candidates and the ones to come, I know that we have what it takes to win back the majority this November and put New Hampshire back on track.” Here is a list of the Senate Democratic Candidates:
SD 1 – Rep. Edith Tucker SD 3 – Rep. Bill Marsh SD 4 – Sen. David Watters SD 5 – Sen. Sue Prentiss SD 6 – Ruth Larson SD 7 – Richard Lobban SD 8 – Hon. Charlene Lovett SD 9 – Matt McLaughlin SD 10 – Rep. Donovan Fenton and Bobby Williams SD 11 – Sen. Shannon Chandley SD 12 – Sen. Melanie Levesque SD 13 – Sen. Cindy Rosenwald SD 14 – Hon. John Robinson SD 15 – Sen. Becky Whitley SD 17 – Christine Tappan SD 18 – Sen. Donna Soucy SD 20 – Sen. Lou D'Allesandro SD 21 – Sen. Rebecca Perkins Kwoka SD 22 – Wayne Haubner SD 24 – Rep. Debra Altschiller