Today, New Hampshire Democratic Party Chair Ray Buckley released the following statement after the Republican Legislature passed Chris Sununu’s extreme, anti-choice budget:
“Chris Sununu just pushed through the most extreme and anti-choice New Hampshire budget in New Hampshire history. Chris Sununu is imposing an abortion ban and mandatory ultrasounds on New Hampshire women. But this partisan budget doesn’t just attack women’s reproductive freedom, it also cuts funding for public schools and will raise property taxes — and will be toxic with New Hampshire voters.
“This budget is an attack on reproductive rights, our doctors, taxpayers, and schools — and we will spend the next year and a half holding Governor Sununu and Republicans accountable for it.”
NHPR: How Abortion Access Will Change in NH if Lawmakers Pass Restrictions,
NH Bulletin: Medical Experts Challenge New Hampshire Lawmakers’ Thinking on Abortion Ban
Sentinel Editorial: Sununu's choice; The Governor Can Be Judged on His Words, or on His Actions Regarding the Budget Bill
InDepthNH: Protesters Gather at State House Opposed to Abortion Language in Budget Bill
Union Leader: Sens. Becky Whitley and Rebecca Perkins Kwoka: Budget Isn't for Legislating Abortion
InDepthNH: Sen. Sherman: GOP Legislators Waging War on Women’s Rights
Valley News: Dr. Barry Smith: NH Abortion Ban Puts Politics Ahead of Health Care