Yesterday evening, while Granite Staters from both parties across New Hampshire were in Concord testifying against Republicans’ blatantly gerrymandered draft Congressional maps that will move a quarter of the entire state from one Congressional district to another, Gail Huff Brown was campaigning in Weare. One of the towns that would be moved from the second district to the first under the Republicans proposal. Just this week, the Republican former Speaker of the New Hampshire House called the changes to the Congressional maps “radical.”

In response, NHDP Chair Ray Buckley has released the following statement:
“As Granite Staters from both parties came together in Concord pleading with their representatives to defend our democracy and reject their blatantly gerrymandered maps, Gail Huff Brown was campaigning in the current second district. Republicans in the legislature ought to use these public comment periods to fairly hear out their constituents and improve these maps. Instead - Huff Brown has exposed what a farce of a process the NH GOP has put together. Has the NHGOP already told their first district candidates that the fix is already in and that Gov. Sununu will sign these maps? The public deserves answers now."