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NHDP Statement on First Lady Jill Biden’s Visit to N.H. to Highlight how the American Rescue Plan


Concord, N.H. -- Today, First Lady Jill Biden is visiting New Hampshire to discuss how the American Rescue Plan -- passed by New Hampshire’s federal delegation and Democrats in Congress -- will bring billions of dollars in federal relief to Granite Staters. In response, NHDP Chair Ray Buckley released the following statement: “We are thrilled to have First Lady Jill Biden in New Hampshire to talk about how the American Rescue Plan will provide billions of dollars in federal relief to Granite Staters for stimulus payments, unemployment insurance, relief for small businesses, funds to keep our schools open safely, money for COVID testing and vaccines, and more. “The First Lady’s visit is an important reminder that while Washington Republicans and Chris Sununu did everything they could to block necessary funding for New Hampshire during a global pandemic -- with Sununu even saying that if he were in the Senate he ‘would be a no’ -- our Senators Shaheen and Hassan and Representatives Kuster and Pappas worked tirelessly to get this much-needed economic relief bill passed for Granite Staters. “Voters -- regardless of their political party -- overwhelmingly support the American Rescue Plan and I’m confident that they will continue to talk about how this bill will help working families, nurses, teachers, and small business owners for years to come. I’m also confident that while voters remember that Democrats and our federal delegation fought for COVID relief, they will also remember how Sununu and Washington Republicans played politics with COVID relief instead of helping Granite Staters.”


Paid for by the New Hampshire Democratic Party

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