CONCORD, NH — In response to U.S. Senators announcing an agreement on principle for gun safety legislation, NHDP Chair Ray Buckley has released the following statement:
“Too many lives have senselessly been taken in repeated acts of senseless gun violence, and it is abundantly clear that action must be taken. I’m beyond thankful for the leadership of Democrats in Washington, like Senator Jeanne Shaheen, Senator Maggie Hassan, Congresswoman Annie Kuster, and Congressman Chris Pappas, for their support of this crucial legislation, and their work across the aisle to get it done.
Meanwhile, Chris Sununu and the NH GOP have had chance after chance to protect the lives of Granite Staters with common-sense gun safety measures, but have refused to.
Sununu continues to cater to the far-right extremists of his party, and has shown that he cares far more about the NRA and gun manufacturers, who have historically helped fund his campaign, than he does Granite Staters.”
After the tragic mass shooting in Uvalde, where 19 children and two teachers were murdered by a gunman, Sununu said that we ‘aren’t looking to make any changes in firearms policy.’
The first bill Sununu signed into law as governor was legislation that repealed licensing requirements on carrying a concealed firearm, which the New Hampshire Association of Chiefs of Police called “dangerous.”
Sununu vetoed three separate pieces of gun safety legislation that would close loopholes in our background check laws, require a 3-day waiting period before purchasing a gun, and that would have created gun-free zones at our schools, respectively.