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NHDP Statement Condemning Sununu’s NHGOP For Denying Trump’s Responsibility for Inciting Riots


Concord, N.H. -- WMUR’s John DiStaso reported that NHGOP Chair Steve Stepanek is refusing to do what numerous Republicans have done and hold President Donald Trump responsible for his role in inciting the violent riots at the United States Capitol last week. In response, New Hampshire Democratic Party Chair Ray Buckley release the following statement: “Chris Sununu is the leader of the New Hampshire Republican Party, yet his party chair is openly denying Trump's responsibility for inciting the violent mob on the Capitol. This comes as Chris Sununu refuses to say whether he believes Trump committed impeachable offenses. “Sununu and the New Hampshire Republican Party have clearly decided that standing behind Trump is more important than standing up for the country. “Even some of Trump’s worst enablers in former Acting Secretary of Homeland Security Chad Wolf, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, and former Education Secretary Betsy DeVos have said that Trump is responsible for inciting the riots at the Capitol, but not Sununu’s NHGOP. Chris Sununu and the New Hampshire Republican Party will be remembered by Granite Staters for shamefully putting party over country.”


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