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NH Women Leaders Respond to Don Bolduc’s Blatant Attempt to Hide His Extreme, Anti-Choice Record

Executive Councilor Cinde Warmington, State Senator Becky Whitley, and Deputy House Democratic Leader Mary Jane Wallner today highlighted Don Bolduc’s record of opposing abortion rights in response to the Republican Senate candidate’s “Women for Bolduc” event. On Saturday, HuffPost reported that Bolduc said that “as a man,” he thinks he knows what’s best for women and that the future of reproductive rights “belongs” to the Republican “gentlemen” politicians. He also said Senator Hassan needs to “get on board” with the Supreme Court’s decision to end Roe v. Wade. This is just the latest example of Don Bolduc’s extreme, anti-choice agenda that is out of step with Granite Staters.

Read excerpts from the press conference below: Executive Councilor Cinde Warmington: “I want to be very clear: Don Bolduc is not the candidate for New Hampshire women. Don Bolduc said that he, ‘as a man,’ knows what’s best for women when it comes to our most personal health care choices. He also said that the future of abortion access ‘belongs’ to the ‘gentlemen’ Republican legislators in the state house. Senator Whitley, Representative Wallner and I have worked with the Republican ‘gentlemen’ in the state legislature, and we know all too well that if it were up to these men, Granite Staters would no longer have access to abortion or reproductive health care. This is a woman’s decision. Not some ‘gentlemen’ politicians.” Deputy House Democratic Leader Mary Jane Wallner: “When Don Bolduc said that the future of reproductive rights ‘belongs to these gentlemen right here who are state legislators representing you,’ he was talking about two legislators in particular who were in the audience. One was Representative Jess Edwards, who just this year voted against tabling a bill that would have banned abortion after about five weeks, a point at which many women don’t even know that they are pregnant. This ban was nearly identical to the ones we’ve seen in Texas, Ohio, South Carolina, and other states across the country. If Representative Edwards had his way, this bill would have passed, endangering the lives of women across our state. That’s who Don Bolduc thinks should be deciding the future of reproductive rights. Not women, but the men in the State House, who I have seen firsthand, try to end access to abortion, defund family planning services, and take away our reproductive rights.” State Senator Becky Whitley: “First, Don Bolduc told the women of New Hampshire and Senator Hassan to ‘get over’ Republicans trying to pass a nationwide abortion ban. Now, he thinks that ‘as a man,’ he knows what’s best for ME and for ALL Granite State women when it comes to making our most personal health care choices. To add insult to injury, Bolduc defers to the ‘gentlemen’ politicians as the ones who should make the most intimate of decisions about someone's pregnancy – NOT the New Hampshire women who have to carry those pregnancies and who have to deal with the often tragic and traumatic ramifications of one-size-fits-all legislative intrusions into our personal freedoms.”


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