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NEW: McConnell’s Top Ally Publicly Fawns Over Sununu, Begs Him to Run for Senate

Can You Hear the Desperation?

Mitch McConnell and his closest cronies are literally going everywhere to get Chris Sununu to run.

Even podcasts.

After publicly begging Sununu to run for U.S. Senate at CPAC and gushing about him to Politico, McConnell’s top allies are now taking their public fawning and shameless begging to the world of audio.

In an interview on Ruthless Podcast today, Senator Rick Scott - the Chair of Mitch McConnell’s campaign arm - repeatedly told host Jeff Holmes that Chris Sununu is a “good guy” and a “really good guy” — laying the praise for Sununu on thick while saying nothing about Granite Staters’ priorities.

Can you hear the desperation?

Listen here and read the full interview below:

[0:47:20] HOLMES: “Yeah, absolutely. Well, that raises a good point. Actually, you have a relationship with a lot of these people because of your time as governor of Florida. Chris Sununu. A lot of people who listen to this program, very interested in getting him into that Senate race.”

[0:47:33] SCOTT: “What a good guy.”

[0:47:35] HOLMES: “What a great guy. If—"

[0:47:35] SCOTT: “He's a really good guy.”

[0:47:37] HOLMES: “He is.”


Union Leader: Dems Kick Off Campaign to Link Sununu with McConnell

Manchester Ink Link: NHDP seeks to tie Sununu with McConnell at Arms Park event

WMUR: As Child Tax Credit Checks Arrive, Democrats Say Sununu Would Have Followed McConnell in Opposition to Rescue Plan

InDepthNH: Dems: Sununu Opposed American Rescue Plan Behind Child Tax Credit Checks

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