ROUNDUP: Editorials Slam Sununu’s Handling of Anti-Vaxxer Mob
In case you missed it, Chris Sununu continued to face sharp criticism over the weekend for saying he wasn’t troubled by extremist demonstrators blocking the work of the state government at Wednesday’s Governor and Council meeting. The Union Leader Editorial Board slammed Sununu for his “nothing to see here attitude,” adding that it was “not his finest hour” and that his lack of preparation was “unforgivable.” Long-time New Hampshire political reporter Gary Rayno from InDepthNH wrote that the way Sununu downplayed the angry mob "sounded similar to President Trump saying there are good people on both sides after white supremacists’ violent protest in Charlottesville that claimed one life and injured many more." Read more: Union Leader - Editorial: Sununu Stumbles: Not His Finest Hour
The lynching of democracy in New Hampshire last Wednesday morning was not Gov. Chris Sununu’s finest hour. We expected his press conference later that day to begin with a ringing denunciation of those who had successfully shut down an Executive Council meeting. [...] Instead, Sununu adopted a “nothing to see here” attitude. He said he wasn’t troubled by what he called “a little bit of a mob mentality” at a council meeting where state employees needed police escorts to escape the place.
InDepthNH: Tribalism and Mob Rule Come to New Hampshire
At a press conference after the council meeting Sununu downplayed the council protest and said it was a few unruly aggressive actors who crossed the line and that there was passion on both sides. That sounded similar to President Trump saying there are good people on both sides after white supremacists’ violent protest in Charlottesville that claimed one life and injured many more.
Union Leader - Editorial: 'Literally’ Lost: Communism, She Says
Last week’s scene was appalling, on several levels. In miniature, it reminded us of the Jan. 6 Capitol riot in which police and building security were ill-prepared and democracy was briefly shut down. That widely-seen spectacle, as well as more recent stunts here in New Hampshire, makes all the more unforgivable the lack of preparation by Gov. Chris Sununu and the Executive Council as well as police security.