Concord, N.H. - Data and studies consistently find that Donald Trump’s unprepared and chaotic mismanagement of the COVID-19 global pandemic has hit low-income Granite Staters the hardest - while the wealth of America’s billionaires increased by tens of millions of dollars. “Donald Trump’s failure to prepare for and contain the coronavirus has resulted in an unprecedented public health and economic disaster that is hurting already vulnerable Granite Staters the most,” said New Hampshire Democratic Party Chair Ray Buckley. “For months, Granite Staters were losing their jobs and were getting sick while Trump downplayed the severity of the coronavirus, spread false information about ‘treatments,’ and refused to take responsibility and refused to handle this crisis. And while working Granite Staters struggled, billionaires got richer. This is Donald Trump’s America.” Here are the facts: New York Times Study: New Hampshire Is Last in the Nation When It Comes To Providing Adequate Unemployment Benefits. A New York Times study found that of all 50 states, New Hampshire had the lowest rate of unemployment benefits compared to worker’s average weekly wages. [The New York Times, 4/23/20] New Hampshire Fiscal Policy Institute: Granite Staters “Who Already Had Lower Average Wages...Are More Likely to Have Seen Their Incomes Decline Rapidly or Their Work Disappear” During This Crisis. According to the New Hampshire Fiscal Policy Institute, “This crisis will disproportionately affect those with low incomes and limited resources. People who already had lower average wages, including those in retail, accommodation, or food services, are more likely to have seen their incomes decline rapidly or their work disappear.” [New Hampshire Fiscal Policy Institute, 4/14/20] Federal Reserve Report: Nearly 40% of Low-Income Americans Lost Jobs Because of the COVID-19 Pandemic. A report from the Federal Reserve found that 39% of Americans making less than $40,000 lost their jobs by early April, compared to just 13% of those making over $100,000. [Federal Reserve, 5/14/20] New Hampshire Fiscal Policy Institute: New Hampshire Workers Who Were Already Making Less Than The Statewide Average Are “Most Economically Exposed To This Crisis.” According to the New Hampshire Fiscal Policy Institute, “Many workers previously employed in the accommodation, food service, or retail sectors, which have been dramatically impacted by measures to slow the spread of the virus, were earning wages considerably lower than statewide averages, and likely have very limited savings. Individuals and families who were already struggling to make ends meet financially are among those most economically exposed to this crisis.” [New Hampshire Fiscal Policy Institute, 4/14/20] NHPR: New Hampshire Workers In Lower Paid Service and Retail Industry Jobs Have Been Impacted More than “Many White-Collar Jobs” That Have Only Seen “Single Digit Declines.” According to NHPR, “Accommodations and food service shed more than 60 percent of all employees, or nearly 40,000 workers. Approximately 20 percent of all retail workers were laid off. Many white-collar jobs in finance and business services saw only single digit declines.” [NHPR, 5/19/20]