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InDepthNH: Op-Ed: On ACA Anniversary, Republicans Double Down On Healthcare Attacks


In case you missed it, on the 12th anniversary of the Affordable Care Act, InDepthNH published an op-ed by Swanzey resident Gene Faltus about how the ACA changed his life. As a patient diagnosed with terminal cancer and a heart condition, the ACA was the only reason he was able to receive health insurance he needed.

The attacks waged by Republicans on the ACA would cause Granite Staters like Gene to lose their coverage, and make it impossible to get the care they need to survive. That’s why New Hampshire is so fortunate to have President Biden and our Democratic congressional delegation fighting to defend Granite Staters’ health care against Republican attacks.

Key Excerpts:

  • I have been diagnosed with terminal cancer and a heart condition—both deemed pre-existing conditions—and the Affordable Care Act is the reason I could get lifesaving insurance.

  • Even though this law has changed millions of people’s lives for the better, it is again under attack by Republican officials.

  • Before the ACA existed, I had been denied coverage repeatedly due to my cancer and heart condition. This is the same story for the half-a-million Granite Staters and millions of Americans across the country who have pre-existing conditions.

  • Republican lawmakers are fighting against lowering costs for working people, and even went so far as to block new legislation brought forward by Democrats that would reduce premiums and keep drug prices down. They want to play politics with our health care, but this isn’t just politics—this is my life.

  • President Biden and New Hampshire’s democratic congressional delegation understand that. They are a voice for Granite Staters’ health and safety, and they are working every day to lower health care costs, defend the ACA and protect our care. Not only did Democrats reduce prices and increase coverage through the American Rescue Plan that included provisions from Senator Jeanne Shaheen to lower premiums, President Biden has a plan to further lower the cost of lifesaving medicines and cap the cost of insulin at $35.

  • The difference in who is fighting for us and who is working against us is stark. Republican lawmakers who attack the ACA should walk in my shoes for one day and try to tell me that my health care doesn’t matter. While Republicans use the anniversary of the Affordable Care Act to try and take away lifesaving care, I know that the president and our congressional delegation will keep fighting for Granite Staters. We have to re-elect Senator Hassan, Rep. Pappas and Rep. Kuster this November 8—they know what’s at stake and they will always fight for us.

Paid for by the New Hampshire Democratic Party

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