In case you missed it, Governor Sununu went on CNN this weekend to tout his failed leadership and lie about the severity of the COVID here in New Hampshire.
In the interview, Sununu said that New Hampshire has been “very successful” with local control of COVID and that “omicron is less severe than everyone thought. New Hampshire has had some of the highest rates of COVID per capita in the country, and the omicron variant made up 90% of our cases. New Hampshire hospitals were completely overwhelmed with COVID cases and were forced to send patients out of state for medical care. Compared to other states in New England, New Hampshire has consistently trailed behind our neighboring states in vaccination rates. A member of the Emergency Medical and Trauma Services Coordinating Board resigned from their position and cited Sununu’s mishandling of the COVID-19 pandemic over the past two years as their reasoning.
Instead of working to help Granite Staters recover from the pandemic here at home, Sununu is instead traveling to DC and lying about his failed leadership.