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ICYMI: Biden’s and Democrats’ expanded child care plans can help rebuild the middle class


CYMI: Biden’s and Democrats’ expanded child care plans can help rebuild the middle class, Union Leader op-ed says

The Union Leader published an op-ed from Julie Salois-Tourville of Auburn, a small business owner and child care professional who wrote about the work New Hampshire's congressional delegation is doing to expand childcare to make it more affordable for Granite Staters.

Union Leader: Julie Salois-Tourville: Rebuilding the middle class starts with child care

As the owner of a child care center, I’ve seen first-hand the struggles working families face as they juggle multiple jobs, everyday expenses, and, over the last year, the COVID pandemic. As those at the very top of the economic ladder have seen their fortunes grow over the last year, the working parents I speak with day after day have found it harder and harder just to get by. It doesn’t have to be this way and we have a real opportunity to improve the lives of nearly every Granite Stater, especially for our children and parents

Congress is currently working on legislation — also known as the budget reconciliation bill — which is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to make life-changing investments in health care, child care, and the bedrock of our economy — middle class families.

As anyone who has seen the hiring signs dotting storefront windows knows, employers are finding it very difficult to hire employees. There’s no one answer to this problem; however, it’s clear that access to child care is a significant issue — especially for young families. A 2018 study of millennials found that the cost of child care in New Hampshire represents more than 50% of a parent’s median income. Simply put, the child care costs are too high to justify some parents entering the workforce. The largest loss in the New Hampshire workforce has been young mothers — also known as the ‘shecession’ — who literally can’t afford to work because child care is too expensive and not accessible.

Thankfully our congressional delegation is working to address these child care challenges through tax credits, universal paid family leave, expanded pre-K, and workforce investments. It’s encouraging to see Senator Jeanne Shaheen and Senator Maggie Hassan, Congressman Chris Pappas, and Congresswoman Ann Kuster making this a priority and working so diligently to move the ball forward on this critical issue.


Read the full op-ed at the Union Leader.

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