Sununu Made Clear He Would Have Voted Against the American Rescue Plan and Critical Relief For Granite Staters Hit Hard by the Pandemic
Concord, N.H -- Today, New Hampshire’s Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) announced that they will use funds from the American Rescue Plan — which Chris Sununu opposed — to launch several new initiatives to support those who work in the child care sector and expand access to child care in order to help parents return to work. “Chris Sununu is a hypocrite for opposing the American Rescue Plan and now trying to take credit for the support it is providing to help Granite Staters get back to work,” said NHDP Chair Ray Buckley. “While Sununu and McConnell opposed this aid, New Hampshire’s Congressional delegation voted to get this historic relief COVID-19 package passed — and help Granite Staters get back to work.” For months, Sununu maintained that he didn’t want any federal funding for New Hampshire. Then in February, he made the unpopular decision to side with Mitch McConnell and oppose the American Rescue Plan, which is now helping Granite Staters get back to work and New Hampshire’s economy recover. According to DHHS, “These initiatives are part of a multi-faceted plan to stabilize child care in New Hampshire and are part of New Hampshire’s federal funding through the American Rescue Plan Act.” The initiatives include, “stabilization grants to child care programs, workforce recruitment and retention efforts, and market rate increases for the NH Child Care Scholarship Program.” The American Rescue Plan allocates $39 billion to address the child care crisis -- including $80 million in new child care funding for New Hampshire.