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GOP Strategist Blasts Bolduc for Opposing the CHIPS Act, Says Bolduc Will “Come Up Short”


On NH Today with Chris Ryan yesterday, Republican strategist Brad Card had some harsh words for Don Bolduc.

Card criticized Bolduc for his opposition to the CHIPS Act, calling it a “necessary” piece of legislation and saying that “at the end of the day you have to actually do the job” and that “Don Bolduc is wrong on that issue.

The CHIPS Act will advance U.S. manufacturing, strengthen our supply chains, lower the costs of everyday goods, and invest in new technology development and innovation. Ultimately, this bipartisan law will ensure that America is a global leader in innovation and help us out-compete China and the rest of the world.

Card's criticisms of Bolduc didn’t stop there. Card also thinks Bolduc will “come up short” and said that “candidate quality matters.” Since he entered the general election, Bolduc has lied and misled voters about his extreme record. Bolduc’s own supporters blasted him after he lied about his record of supporting overturning elections and spreading election fraud conspiracies. Then, he faced criticism from Granite Staters after he told them to “get over” a nationwide abortion ban and promised to end Social Security and end Medicare as we know it.

Paid for by the New Hampshire Democratic Party

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