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Chuck Morse, Kevin Smith, and Don Bolduc Would All Be No Votes on the Women’s Health Protection Act

With reproductive rights and access to abortion under attack from Mitch McConnell and Republicans in New Hampshire and across the country, the Senate today is set to vote on the Women’s Health Protection Act which would push back against state bans and restrictions on abortions by codifying Roe v. Wade.

The US Senate will vote on the legislation today — and there is no question that anti-choice NH GOP Senate candidates Chuck Morse, Kevin Smith, and Don Bolduc would stand with Mitch McConnell and vote no on the critically important legislation. All three candidates have long records of opposing reproductive freedom.

Kevin Smith also tweeted his opposition to the Women’s Health Protection Act today. Smith is one of the leading opponents of women’s reproductive freedom in the Granite State. Smith was a lobbyist for the anti-choice, far-right group Cornerstone Action, and advocated for making abortion illegal in New Hampshire and defunding Planned Parenthood.

Don Bolduc opposes access to abortion and openly calls for defunding Planned Parenthood, which would threaten access to reproductive health care for thousands of Granite Staters.

Morse, Smith, and Bolduc’s anti-choice records leave no doubt that they would help Mitch McConnell roll back reproductive rights in the US Senate because that’s exactly what they’ve tried to do throughout their careers.

“Even though Granite Staters overwhelmingly support reproductive freedom and preserving Roe v. Wade, Chuck Morse, Kevin Smith, and Don Bolduc would all stand with Mitch McConnell in opposing the Women’s Health Protection Act in the US Senate,” said NHDP spokesperson Gates MacPherson. “Today is another reminder that every single NH GOP Senate candidate would help McConnell advance his relentless attack on our reproductive rights and that the freedom for Granite Staters to make their own health care decisions is on the ballot this year.”

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