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Axios Sneak Peek: Democrats Hit GOP Over Abortion Far From Texas

Last night, Axios reported on the New Hampshire Democratic Party’s new ad hitting Chris Sununu for his long anti-choice record — and for offensively laughing as his Executive Council defunded Planned Parenthood. Axios notes that the ad campaign has “the potential to drive up turnout by women” and is part of a new effort “to attack Republican political candidates over abortion rights far from Texas.”

Democrats are trying to attack Republican political candidates over abortion rights far from Texas — including libertarian states like New Hampshire and Nevada, Axios' Sarah Mucha writes. Why it matters: The strategy highlights the national resonance of the new Texas law banning abortions past six weeks. The Democratic Party sees an opening in next year's midterm elections to capitalize on voters’ opposition to it.

  • Both Nevada and "Live-Free-or-Die" New Hampshire also have female senators up for re-election in 2022.

  • The Democrats' ad campaigns have the potential to drive up turnout by women.

What we’re watching: Democrats are already releasing ads hitting Republicans for their record on choice in the hope of making an early impression on voters.

  • The New Hampshire Democratic Party has a digital ad, released today, that attempts to blame the state’s Republican governor, Chris Sununu, for the New Hampshire Executive Council’s decision to defund Planned Parenthood.

  • In the ad, titled "Laughing," the first text to appear on the screen references the Texas law.

In Nevada, Democrats are hitting Andy Laxalt, a Republican Senate primary candidate, by tying him to Dean Heller, who's running for governor, through their abortion rights comments.

  • The Nevada chapter of NARAL, a pro-choice nonprofit, released an op-ed opposing Laxalt for his record on abortion, and several abortion rights groups came together to hold a rally in Reno against the candidate this month.

  • Heller has spoken about the Texas ban in the affirmative, saying, “I like what Texas did. As governor, I'll get the most conservative abortion laws that we can have in this state, regardless of who's controlling the legislature.”

The backdrop: Both states have a history of supporting abortion rights measures that Democrats intend to highlight.

  • In Nevada in 1990, over 60% of voters approved a ballot measure that reaffirmed allowing abortion up to 24 weeks. The law can only be changed by a “direct vote by the people,” meaning the legislature cannot amend it.

  • 65% of voters in the state consider themselves "pro-choice," according to a poll conducted over the summer by OH Insights.

  • The issue was a deciding factor in the 1990s in New Hampshire. Many credit the successful gubernatorial campaign of now-Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.)with her highlighting her support for abortion rights against an anti-abortion Republican opponent.


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