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As They Seek Trump’s Support, NH GOP Senate Candidates Remain Silent On Trump’s Praise of Putin


Republicans like Chuck Morse, Kevin Smith, and Don Bolduc refuse to condemn Donald Trump for praising Russian President Vladimir Putin for invading Ukraine this week, and it’s pretty clear why — they are putting their effort to ingratiate themselves with Donald Trump ahead of our national security interests. Earlier this week, Trump made “unprecedented” comments saying that Putin is a “genius,” “savvy,” and “smart” for invading Ukraine, and said that the United States should do something similar on the southern border. The New York Times reported that Republicans “were silent on comments made by the former president,” raising “questions about the influence Mr. Trump continues to exert over candidates seeking to tap into his base.” The report notes that Republican candidates running in primaries like Morse, Smith, and Bolduc “have often sought to deflect questions about their stance on Ukraine with answers that avoid breaking with Mr. Trump.” This explains why all three NH GOP Senate candidates have refused to condemn or even mention Donald Trump in their statements on the situation in Ukraine — all three are actively seeking Trump’s support in their primary. The longer the NH GOP Senate candidates go without condemning Donald Trump, the more apparent it is that securing the endorsement of Trump is more important to Morse, Smith, and Bolduc than standing up against Vladimir Putin’s horrific actions that threaten our national security.

Paid for by the New Hampshire Democratic Party

Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee

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