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After Senate Floor Speech, Granite Staters Praise Senator Hassan for Standing Up For Our Democracy

Granite Staters are praising Senator Maggie Hassan after she took to the Senate floor this evening to call on her colleagues to change the Senate rules to allow a simple majority to pass laws that will protect the right to vote and protectAmerican democracy.

Read the reaction below:

Manchester Mayor Joyce Craig @JoyceCraigNH: Thank you @SenatorHassan for speaking passionately on the Senate floor tonight. We need to protect every American’s fundamental right to vote. #NHPolitics [8:32 PM, 12/16/21]

Executive Councilor Cinde Warmington @CindeWarmington: Free and fair elections are at the heart of our democracy — they’re who we are as Granite Staters & Americans. But in too many states, including our own, they are under attack. Thank you @Maggie_Hassan for standing up to fight for our rights and for our country. #NHPolitics [9:16 PM, 12/16/21]

State Senator Rebecca Perkins Kwoka @TeamRebeccaNH Republicans across the country, including in NH, have introduced bills to make it harder to vote and easier to undermine the results of an election. I am so proud of my Senator @Maggie_Hassan for taking a stand and defending our democracy at this critical time. #NHPolitics [8:55 PM, 12/16/21]

State Representative Matt Wilhelm @RepWilhelm: Thanks to @SenatorHassan for her leadership in strengthening our democracy + protecting every American citizen’s constitutionally guaranteed right to vote. #NHPolitics [8:26 PM, 12/16/21]

State Representative Manny Espitia @mannyfornh: Thank you Senator Hassan for supporting filibuster reform for voting rights! #NHPolitics [8:35 PM, 12/16/21]

State Representative Debra Altschiller @DebrasATeam: 2nd time in a month when #NH Senator’s bring the heat. Go Maggie! “we must change the rules of [the Senate] to pass laws to protect our democracy” #PassVotingRights #FilibusterReform #NHPolitics [8:37 PM, 12/16/21]

Co-Founder of Kent Street Coalition Louise Spencer @LPS_KentStreet:Thank you @SenatorHassan. You have done the Granite State proud!! #NHPolitics [8:33 PM 12/16/21]

President of Dartmouth College Democrats Miles Brown @MilesBrown23:This is what real courage looks like. Thank you @SenatorHassan for standing up to protect our voting rights. America needs the #FreedomToVoteAct and America needs more leaders like Maggie Hassan. #NHPolitics [8:41 PM, 12/16/21

NH Campaign For Voting Rights @NHVotingRights: This is what leadership for the public good looks like. Thank you @SenatorHassan for your powerful floor speech today. [8:25 PM, 12/16/21]

NH College Democrats, @NHCollegeDems: It’s time to reform the filibuster and it’s time to take a stand for voting rights. Thank you @SenatorHassan for your leadership on this issue! #FreedomToVoteAct #NHPolitics [8:43 PM, 12/16/21]

Liz Wester, @lizmwester: Great day to have @SenatorHassan fighting for the Granite State! #NHPolitics [8:31 PM, 12/16/21]

Lucas Meyer @LucasSMeyer boom. @SenatorHassan knows this is a defining moment to + we must return the power back to the people. that's why she's calling for filibuster reform to save our democracy. proud of our Senator for leading on this historic fight. #NHPolitics [8:11 PM, 12/16/21]

603 Forward @603Forward: @SenatorHassan just announced on the Senate floor that she supports reforming the filibuster to protect our freedom to vote + our democracy! Very thankful for her + the entire delegation's leadership to pass the #FreedomToVoteAct! #NHPolitics [8:21 PM, 12/16/21]


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