Granite Staters are praising Senator Maggie Hassan after she took to the Senate floor this evening to call on her colleagues to change the Senate rules to allow a simple majority to pass laws that will protect the right to vote and protectAmerican democracy.
Read the reaction below:
Manchester Mayor Joyce Craig @JoyceCraigNH: Thank you @SenatorHassan for speaking passionately on the Senate floor tonight. We need to protect every American’s fundamental right to vote. #NHPolitics [8:32 PM, 12/16/21]
Executive Councilor Cinde Warmington @CindeWarmington: Free and fair elections are at the heart of our democracy — they’re who we are as Granite Staters & Americans. But in too many states, including our own, they are under attack. Thank you @Maggie_Hassan for standing up to fight for our rights and for our country. #NHPolitics [9:16 PM, 12/16/21]
State Senator Rebecca Perkins Kwoka @TeamRebeccaNH Republicans across the country, including in NH, have introduced bills to make it harder to vote and easier to undermine the results of an election. I am so proud of my Senator @Maggie_Hassan for taking a stand and defending our democracy at this critical time. #NHPolitics [8:55 PM, 12/16/21]
State Representative Matt Wilhelm @RepWilhelm: Thanks to @SenatorHassan for her leadership in strengthening our democracy + protecting every American citizen’s constitutionally guaranteed right to vote. #NHPolitics [8:26 PM, 12/16/21]
State Representative Manny Espitia @mannyfornh: Thank you Senator Hassan for supporting filibuster reform for voting rights! #NHPolitics [8:35 PM, 12/16/21]
State Representative Debra Altschiller @DebrasATeam: 2nd time in a month when #NH Senator’s bring the heat. Go Maggie! “we must change the rules of [the Senate] to pass laws to protect our democracy” #PassVotingRights #FilibusterReform #NHPolitics [8:37 PM, 12/16/21]
Co-Founder of Kent Street Coalition Louise Spencer @LPS_KentStreet:Thank you @SenatorHassan. You have done the Granite State proud!! #NHPolitics [8:33 PM 12/16/21]
President of Dartmouth College Democrats Miles Brown @MilesBrown23:This is what real courage looks like. Thank you @SenatorHassan for standing up to protect our voting rights. America needs the #FreedomToVoteAct and America needs more leaders like Maggie Hassan. #NHPolitics [8:41 PM, 12/16/21
NH Campaign For Voting Rights @NHVotingRights: This is what leadership for the public good looks like. Thank you @SenatorHassan for your powerful floor speech today. [8:25 PM, 12/16/21]
NH College Democrats, @NHCollegeDems: It’s time to reform the filibuster and it’s time to take a stand for voting rights. Thank you @SenatorHassan for your leadership on this issue! #FreedomToVoteAct #NHPolitics [8:43 PM, 12/16/21]
Liz Wester, @lizmwester: Great day to have @SenatorHassan fighting for the Granite State! #NHPolitics [8:31 PM, 12/16/21]
Lucas Meyer @LucasSMeyer boom. @SenatorHassan knows this is a defining moment to + we must return the power back to the people. that's why she's calling for filibuster reform to save our democracy. proud of our Senator for leading on this historic fight. #NHPolitics [8:11 PM, 12/16/21]
603 Forward @603Forward: @SenatorHassan just announced on the Senate floor that she supports reforming the filibuster to protect our freedom to vote + our democracy! Very thankful for her + the entire delegation's leadership to pass the #FreedomToVoteAct! #NHPolitics [8:21 PM, 12/16/21]