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Ted Cruz Endorsement Plunges NH Senate Primary Further Into Chaos

Josh Marcus-Blank

In Case You Missed It, Senator Ted Cruz, the most extreme, far-right member of the U.S. Senate, endorsed NH House Speaker Bill O'Brien in the Republican primary for U.S. Senate. At the same time, New Hampshire Republicans continue to bang their heads against a wall, hammering Corey Lewandowski in state.

  • Joe Sweeney, spokesman for the NH GOP suggested that, with Lewandowski on the ticket, many independent voters would back Shaheen: “Independent voters make the election, and they’re not afraid to vote criss-crossing on the ballot" [NBC News].

  • Tom Rath said Lewandowski strengthened Shaheen: “I think he left himself open to the charge that Jeanne Shaheen will make. She can say, ‘I know who my masters are. They are the voters, not Donald Trump’” [WMUR].

  • Jim Merrill suggested Lewandowski can't win the general election: “It doesn’t help us in the general election to have essentially two Donald Trumps on the ticket" [WMUR].

  • Dave Carney also suggested Lewandowski can't win the general election: “We need to focus on electability and need to have someone who can build a coalition beyond Trump to help the president and the Senate candidate win the general election" [WMUR].

"Bill O'Brien promised New Hampshire that he would be a Cruz ally in the U.S. Senate, owning efforts to strip away women's rights and take away health care from tens of thousands of Granite Staters," said NHDP spokesman Josh Marcus-Blank. "Meanwhile, Corey told the world that he is a liar and, according to New Hampshire Republicans, he is also a loser."


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