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NH Senate Votes to Establish a $12 Minimum Wage


Concord, N.H. - Today, the New Hampshire Senate voted to re-establish and raise the minimum wage in the state of New Hampshire. This bill, introduced by Senate President Donna Soucy, will gradually increase the state's minimum wage to $12 by 2021. Senator Soucy has introduced similar minimum wage legislation for each of the last 7 years. NHDP Chair Ray Buckley issued the following statement: "Today the State Senate took a crucially important step to provide all Granite Staters with a living wage by passing SB 10. Particular thanks and congratulations are owed to Senate President Donna Soucy whose steadfast determination to re-establish and raise the minimum wage in New Hampshire has finally paid off. Her and her colleagues' commitment to their constituents stands in stark contrast to Sununu and the NHGOP whose opposition to a living wage is out of touch and harmful to Granite Staters."


Paid for by the New Hampshire Democratic Party

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