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Statement of NHDP Chair Ray Buckley on Recent Poll Showing Molly Kelly neck-and-neck with Sununu

Concord, N.H. - Today, a recent poll showed Molly Kelly neck-and-neck with Chris Sununu four days before Election Day. NHDP Chair Ray Buckley issued the following statement:

“Chris Sununu’s lead has evaporated, and no infusion of cash from his DC allies will be enough to save him from defeat on Tuesday. Momentum for Molly Kelly has been building for weeks, because voters want a governor who will put the best interests of working families ahead of corporate special interests, who will strengthen public education, not push vouchers that raise property taxes, and who will support common sense gun safety legislation and oppose allowing adults with hidden guns in schools. "Chris Sununu says he “absolutely” is a big supporter of Trump, and they share an agenda that is absolutely wrong for New Hampshire. He will be swept out of office on Tuesday.”


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