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Sununu Calls Paid Family and Medical Leave a “Vacation,” Again

Concord, NH - At a Concord Monitor editorial board meeting, Chris Sununu once again called paid family and medical leave time off a “vacation.” This follows his previous comments from August in which he also called the policy -- which is about being with loved ones in their time of need -- a "vacation. NHDP Chair Ray Buckley issued the following statement:

"Chris Sununu is out of touch and doesn’t understand the challenges of hardworking Granite Staters. If he did, he would know that taking time off from work to care for a loved one in their time of need is not a 'vacation.' On November 6th, voters will give Chris Sununu a long-term vacation by replacing him in the Corner Office with Molly Kelly, a champion for New Hampshire families who will get the job done by passing bipartisan paid family leave."


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