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Edwards Declares Opposition to Paid Family & Medical Leave, Resorts to Personal Attacks in 2nd Debat


Concord, N.H. - Today, Eddie Edwards faced off against Executive Councilor Chris Pappas in an AARP debate held at the New Hampshire Institute of Politics, where Edwards once again proved why Pappas is the best choice for the Granite State’s First Congressional District. Last week at an NHPR debate, Edwards shocked voters when he announced his plans to start “weaning people off of Social Security,” a program that is directly responsible for the economic security of millions of seniors across the country and thousands of seniors in the Granite State. At this week’s debate, Edwards announced his abject opposition to Paid Family and Medical Leave, Medicaid Expansion, and the Affordable Care Act, demonstrating a clear pattern of indifference for the issues that matter most to hardworking Granite State families. NHDP Chair Ray Buckley issued the following statement: “Eddie Edwards told us today that he not only plans to wean people off of social security, but also that he is prepared to fight against any paid family medical leave policy proposals and wants to repeal the Affordable Care Act. Granite Staters are tired of having to fend off Republican attacks on policies that allow us to live the lives we deserve. “In stark contrast, Chris Pappas laid out a clear and inspiring vision for an even stronger New Hampshire that will surely resonate with voters who are tired of the partisan gridlock that has taken over Washington D.C. A long list of prominent Republicans have even pledged their support for Chris, because has used his time in public service to put people over politics and deliver results for New Hampshire’s working families. “There’s a clear choice here and voters will make their voices heard on November 6 when they elect Chris Pappas as their next Congressman."


Paid for by the New Hampshire Democratic Party

Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee

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