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Annie Kuster Poised for Re-Election, Negron Remains Unknown


Concord, NH - Tonight, the New Hampshire Institute of Politics released a poll revealing that Annie Kuster is in the lead by nearly 30 points. To top it off, 75% of voters polled had never even heard of Steve Negron.

Statement from NHDP Chair Ray Buckley:

“It's not surprising that 20 days away from Election Day nearly 75% of voters polled never heard of Steve Negron. Negron has been in hiding since the primary hoping the voters don't learn about his extremist record.

“Negron’s platform is clear: he denies climate change, supports forced conversion therapy for minors, and opposes a woman’s right to choose even in the case of rape, incest, and when the life of the mother is at risk. These extreme views are out of step with New Hampshire, and voters are paying attention.

“Congresswoman Annie Kuster is a proven leader who works across the aisle to deliver results for Granite Staters, whether it’s federal funding to fight the opioid epidemic, to stand up for women’s rights, to increase access to health care, to stand up for our veterans, or to support infrastructure.

“I’m confident Granite Staters will re-elect Annie to Congress, because her track record says it all. She’ll continue this critical work on behalf of all of us.”


Paid for by the New Hampshire Democratic Party

Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee

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