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NHDP Statement: New Hampshire can't afford two more years of Governor Sununu

Concord, N.H. - Today, Governor Sununu filed for a second term as Governor of New Hampshire without a single supporter present. Over the past two years, Sununu's only legislative achievements include a permitless concealed carry bill that NH Police Chiefs called "dangerous," a budget that gives $100 million in tax cuts to the wealthiest 3% of corporations while investing $0 in workforce development, and the voter suppression bill SB 3. These priorities give New Hampshire voters a hint of what to expect should Sununu be re-elected for a second term in office. NHDP Chair Ray Buckley released the following statement: "Chris Sununu's nearly two years as governor have revealed him to be nothing more than a typical politician who always looks out for his family, friends, and corporate donors at the expense Granite Staters who deserve his attention. A second term for Sununu would mean more corporate tax cuts, childish partisan attacks, and spineless defenses of President Trump's most dangerous policies. Sununu has already promised that his first priority if re-elected would be to push his reckless school voucher plan that would steal $266 million from New Hampshire public schools. This one term has made clear that New Hampshire can't afford another two years of Chris Sununu."


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