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NHDP Statement on Martin Luther King Day


Concord, N.H. - NHDP Chair Ray Buckley issued the following statement on Martin Luther King Day:

"Today we pause to recognize the life of Martin Luther King and his leadership to the Civil Rights movement. We also reflect upon the tenets of that fight: Civil Rights include full enfranchisement, a desegregated school system, and equal protection under the law. Dr. King led that movement - and a nation - forward, and in doing so, transformed America for the better. He showed us how much progress ordinary citizens can achieve through peaceful protest. As we reflect on those remarkable achievements, we should renew our commitment fight for justice and equality in an America that still faces great challenges, because, in the words of Dr. King, 'darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.'"


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