Concord, N.H. - Today, Former State Representative Lynne Blankenbeker announced her candidacy for New Hampshire's second Congressional District. In her short tenure as a representative, Blankenbeker was known for outlandish claims and radical positions on a litany of issues.
NHDP Chair Ray Buckley issued the following statement: "Today, The Republican primary for New Hampshire CD2 gained a candidate who has antagonized seniors, voted to keep the state's wages among the lowest in the country, and violently threatened unions. Blankenbeker said nursing home residents are 'tax users' rather than 'taxpayers,' as part of a broader effort to privatize social security. She voted to tie New Hampshire's minimum wage to the federal minimum wage, making sure we remained the lowest in the country. A gun fanatic and supporter of so-called Right to Work, Blankenbeker threatened to shoot union members if they messed with her. Lynne Blankenbeker is wrong for New Hampshire seniors and working families, making her a bad choice to represent Granite Staters in Washington."