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NHDP Statement: 2017 Democratic wins send a message to Governor Sununu in lead-up to 2018

Concord, N.H. - After last night's historic victory in Manchester and New Hampshire Democrats eighth special election win in ten tries, including a red-to-blue flip, Granite Staters have sent a message to Governor Sununu: The blue wave is eyeing the governor's office. Democrats have received 53% of the total vote share in seven Republican special election districts, including the 4th-most Republican district in the state. Governor Sununu's approval rating is tracking with 1-term Republican Governor Craig Benson's performance in the lead-up to his 2004 defeat. NHDP Chair Ray Buckley issued the following statement: "Governor Sununu should be shaking in his boots today. With a 7-point swing in New Hampshire's largest city and Democrats outperforming President Barack Obama's 2012 margins by 13% in special elections, there is no seat in New Hampshire that we can't compete for. Sununu is following the trajectory of 1-term Governor Craig Benson. With the wind at our backs and key victories in even the unlikeliest of places, 2018 will be a banner year for New Hampshire Democrats. Sununu's agenda is precisely what voters across the state keep rejecting at the polls. The governor will be defined by his stubborn insistence on repealing the Affordable Care Act to replace it with Medicaid block grants that promise to kick thousands of Granite Staters off insurance and make premiums skyrocket. The governor will have to defend his decision to cut taxes for the wealthiest 3% of corporations while underfunding the opioid crisis and failing to freeze tuition to lower costs for students. He will have to answer for his endorsement of Trump's destructive tax plan and his blind support for the president in the midst of national embarrassment after national embarrassment. Sununu's agenda does not line up with New Hampshire values, and voters will make that known come 2018."


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